Doc Johnson
Read more about Doc Johnson
The Doc Johnson brand was born in 1976. After our founder, Ron Braverman, lived in Europe, he realized that adult products had a huge consumer demographic. He worked to make Doc Johnson the world’s most imminent producer of adult products. Throughout the years, Doc Johnson has evolved from a sex-product manufacturer to an industry innovator that creates products with an emphasis on sexual health and wellness. Our mission is to help everyone reach their fullest sexual potential, closing the pleasure gap while striving to create the most high-quality, realistic, and creative products on the market.
Driven by the principle that sexual exploration of oneself and among consenting adults is a healthy and necessary part of the human experience, each product produced under the Doc Johnson banner is created to cater to a number of interests and identities. Now in its second generation as an adult industry leader, Doc Johnson is still family-owned and has grown to become the largest pleasure products manufacturer in America, boasting a catalog of more than 2,000 unique items actively in production.
210th210th 5
3Some3Some 3
Alpha-ProAlpha-Pro 11
AndromedicalAndromedical 6
B SwishB Swish 62
b-vibeb-vibe 17
BathmateBathmate 11
Be WickedBe Wicked 2
Bijoux IndiscretsBijoux Indiscrets 78
BodywandBodywand 17
ButtrButtr 12
CalExoticsCalExotics 24
ChrystalinoChrystalino 5
Cottelli CollectionCottelli Collection 59
CraveCrave 4
Cyber SilicockCyber Silicock 12
DoxyDoxy 9
ElectraStimElectraStim 46
ElectroShockElectroShock 20
ExotiqExotiq 15
F-MachineF-Machine 1
Fetish SubmissiveFetish Submissive 35
Fifty Shades Of GrayFifty Shades Of Gray 68
Fist ItFist It 1
FleshlightFleshlight 34
GildoGildo 11
GvibeGvibe 21
Hot OctopussHot Octopuss 11
IciclesIcicles 32
Je JoueJe Joue 19
Jes-ExtenderJes-Extender 2
Kama SutraKama Sutra 79
KiirooKiiroo 30
King CockKing Cock 91
King Cock PlusKing Cock Plus 9
Le WandLe Wand 35
Leg AvenueLeg Avenue 47
LoveBoxxxLoveBoxxx 13
LovenseLovense 32
Main SqueezeMain Squeeze 26
ManCageManCage 12
Master CockMaster Cock 6
Master SeriesMaster Series 170
Mr. SlingMr. Sling 1
MyMagicWandMyMagicWand 5
MystimMystim 62
Nebula SeriesNebula Series 12
Noir HandmadeNoir Handmade 5
OrgieOrgie 47
Ouch!Ouch! 50
Pillow TalkPillow Talk 9
Prostatic PlayProstatic Play 7
RimmersRimmers 8
Rocks-offRocks-off 48
SatisfyerSatisfyer 140
Secret Pleasure ChestSecret Pleasure Chest 6
ShiatsuShiatsu 48
ShungaShunga 77
Sinner GearSinner Gear 1
SteelSteel 3
Strap UStrap U 45
StrictStrict 62
Suck-O-MatSuck-O-Mat 3
SvakomSvakom 21
Swan VibesSwan Vibes 6
SwedeSwede 49
TailzTailz 3
The Latex CollectionThe Latex Collection 16
Tom Of FinlandTom Of Finland 20
ViveVive 2
We-VibeWe-Vibe 13
WomanizerWomanizer 1
X RayX Ray 10
ZadoZado 13